Gather for a day of spiritual renewal, inspiration, and healing surrounded by the beauty of nature.
* Replenish your soul in the gentle power of intentional silence
* Open to inner wisdom through a guided visioning process
* Walk the meditation labyrinth
* Savor the healing properties of sound and music
* Share in sacred community
We are particularly committed to supporting the sustainability of activists, organizers, artists, caregivers, educators, justice-makers, and others working to lift up our communities.
* Due to covid all retreats are now held online.

Check out the video preview below. Be sure to turn up your speakers to hear Destiny's healing music!
Facilitated by: Dr. Liza Rankow and the OneLife Angel Team
Musical Inspiration: Destiny Muhammad the "Harpist from the Hood" and other guest musicians.
Admission is sliding scale, with scholarships available and no one ever turned away for lack of funds.
Register: http://bit.ly/spiritsoundsilence
Please bring a dish to share for our potluck lunch, a re-fillable water bottle (we will have filtered water available for you), a journal or notebook, and anything you need to be comfortable for the day. It's fine to bring a blanket or pillows if you'd like to sit on the floor. Dress comfortably - layers are recommended as temperatures may be variable.

In these challenging times of more vicious and overt forms of sexism, racism, environmental destruction, xenophobia, etc, this is one of the spaces I return to regularly for renewal, connection, community, and sanity.

I received a greater sense of integration, gentleness, connection to others, and love for self... Space to heal, gain clarity, guidance and a profound vision of my next steps in life.

This retreat is such a beautiful, skillful, depthful, and loving offering to the community from the big pieces to the tiny details. Liza and Destiny are each such incredible practitioners individually – what they create together is pure magic.