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As we navigate the Coronavirus pandemic, we are reminded of our interdependence. So many are facing extra stresses and fears during this time, and many are already being forced to shelter in place. At OneLife we are seeking ways to offer spiritual and emotional support through online modalities. This page is a start, and a work in progress. Here you can link to the many videos on our YouTube -- meditations, inspirational talks, music and poetry. We have also created a page of links to mutual aid and other resources. May they be a blessing to you in the days ahead. Sign up for our e-newsletter and follow us on social media for updates as we schedule real-time "virtual" gatherings for spiritual care and connection.


"On World Peace Day, Sept 21, 2018, OneLife hosted "Taking the Arrow Out of the Heart" - a gathering for healing in community with renowned writer and activist Alice Walker, and special guests Desert Rose, a sacred music duo from South Africa. More than 500 people filled the venue for an evening of soul restoration, healing, community, and love.

In 2019 we again joined forces with Alice Walker to host "Hard Times Require Furious Dancing," featuring a talk and poetry by Sister Alice, impromptu contributions of poetry and song by friends in the audience, and community dancing to the Orisa-infused World Beat Hip Hop music of WolfHawkJaguar and Osunfemi Wanbi Njeri and their crew.


A healing meditation featuring Destiny Muhammad on harp,   Liza Rankow on voice over, and the Pacific ocean. For a 25 min. meditation with Liza & Destiny visit:

"Visualize Love" - a guided spiritual practice with Xan West. This was offered as part of our #HealForward fundraising campaign. You can find other spiritual practice videos in the series by searching #HealForward2020 on YouTube.


We have gathered a collection of resource links including virus information, mutual aid, housing, economic support, home schooling, preparedness, corona-related activism, spiritual/emotional wellbeing, etc. Please click the image below to access.

Coronavirus Resources


There is a wealth of creative inspiration in the videos from our Transformative Visions events over the years. Look for a Spoken Word playlist and a OneLife Music playlist on our YouTube page. You can start with these videos!

© OneLife Institute    2004-2021

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